The Importance of Hope in Fiction The writer explores hope as a consistent theme in their work, despite disparate genres. They recognize the prevalent skepticism in fiction and aim to counterbalance this with stories where hope persists amidst despair, reflecting their conviction that hope is a fundamental, if often mishandled, necessity in storytelling.
Who Am I? (As a Writer) I’ve been thinking a lot about who I am as a fiction writer. Who am I writing for? What am I hoping to accomplish?…
The Insomniac Writer Newsletter #2 Dearest readers, the time has come once again. Another month has passed, and another newsletter is upon us. I hope your January was filled…
Half-Remembered Ghosts When I write, it is usually toward a specific end. Typically, that end is publication. It is a rare occasion that I would write…
Q&A 2015: E-books,The Process, and Things To Come Why/when/how do you write? “Why” is actually the hardest of those three questions…or, at least, the answer is a bit more ethereal. I write…
A Letter of Appreciation To the offices of Psych: c/o Shawn Spencer (AKA Byron Bojengles III, Black, Shawn Ulfeninderheine, William Zane, Levon Tostig, Maniac Maniac 19, Shawn Spenstar,…
Failure Truly Is An Option “Failure isn’t an option.” You’ve likely heard that line in a million movies, usually from the hero of the picture just before…
End of the Year Update I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, a happy Hanukkah, a blessed Kwanzaa and that the upcoming Epiphany brings you great joy! As…
The Language of Broken Houses Poetry is as much about honesty as it is about emotion and form. For a poem to “work” it must carry within it some…
The Fear of Failure A little over two years ago, after struggling for some time with the loss of my parents, I decided to put the hurt I…